Finding the right buy-to-let mortgage club can be difficult for portfolio landlords, many high street lenders are unable to lend to landlords with 4 or more properties because of their strict underwriting process that focuses on individual affordability.
At West One, our range of buy-to-let products are available to a wide range of individuals including large portfolio landlords. Our specialist underwriters do not use a credit score, instead each case is assessed on its own merit. This approach recently enabled us to help a portfolio landlord to remortgage a 6 bed HMO.
The client was a property developer, with a large portfolio of buy-to-let properties. They were looking to remortgage an existing 6 bed HMO property to fund an onward purchase.
With over 100 buy-to-let properties the client was looking for a lender that offered a flexible approach to finance the remortgage of their property which was valued at £1,375,000.
As a result of our flexible approach to portfolio landlords we were able to offer the client an advance of more than £1 million pounds at 75% loan to value with our Specialist W1 product range at a 5-year fixed rate 0f 3.54%.
West One's unique approach to credit risk meant that we could be flexible in assessing the clients' portfolio and did not require stress testing of the client's portfolio.
The client was able to remortgage their existing HMO property in just 45 days meaning that they could complete on the purchase of a new property without any hold ups.