There is no denying that the UK property market has experienced significant growth over the last 70 years. The value of property has risen by at least 400% so there’s no wonder that people consider this an ideal investment or income opportunity. The growth in property prices started to really take off in the 1990s with sustained growth over the last 15 years.
Becoming a landlord or property developer is proving to be so popular that there have been television programmes dedicated to building or refurbishing properties, like Homes Under the Hammer on the BBC where properties are bought at auction.
But for decades, it’s not just been UK citizens that have benefitted from the secure and booming property market, many foreign nationals have seen it as an investment opportunity and source of income.
In this section, we examine how our unique approach to credit risk can help many UK ex-pats and foreign nationals with the funding they need for their UK property purchases or raise funds using their current properties.
Whether your client is a British Expat, non-UK citizen resident here, or even living abroad, they can still apply for funding with West One. If they are looking to purchase an additional UK property, need to raise funds across an existing UK portfolio or refinance their current secured loans, please contact one of our experts.