West One Loans buy-to-let range has been added to Knowledge Bank's industry leading criteria search platform. West One has recently revamped its buy-to-let criteria, and now brokers will be able to search Knowledge Bank for all the latest updates.
West One caters for both specialist and mainstream buy-to-let enquiries and works with a range of landlords across the UK.
Knowledge Bank is the largest criteria database in the UK and now holds the full criteria of over 270 lenders and has over 135,000 individuals pieces of criteria.
West One's buy-to-let division has grown significantly in recent months and adding criteria to Knowledge Bank will allow more brokers to experience the flexible and pragmatic approach of the lender.
Andrew Ferguson, Managing Director of Buy-to-Let division explained: "As a lender that prides itself on utilising technology to ensure a seamless product journey, partnering with Knowledge was a complete no-brainer.
"Knowledge Bank is an essential tool for brokers to find lender's criteria, and adding our parameters will help grow awareness of our industry leading range so we can continue our growth in the sector."
Nicola Firth, CEO and founder of Knowledge Bank added: "Having West One's comprehensive range of buy-to-let products on our platform is a great benefit to brokers. They are a trusted lender and the teams' flexible underwriting approach and customer service ensures brokers get quick decisions.
"Our industry leading criteria insights has shown strong interest from brokers searching for 'first-time landlords', so West One's range will be a valuable addition for brokers working with the growing number of new landlords joining the sector."
For more information on the new criteria, visit: https://www.westoneloans.co.uk/buy-to-let-mortgages or contact the West One BTL team.
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