When it comes to specialist finance, a bridging loan could be considered an expensive option or a last resort, but when the case it critical – bridging finance can be a game changer for a client. Short term bridging finance is quick, manageable and offers flexibility when other funding options may not be available.
A HNW foreign national living in the UK. Completed In: 19 days
Our client owned a prime residential property in central London, the property had an existing investment mortgage with Investec and a change in circumstances meant that urgent finance was needed. One of the terms of the Investec mortgage was that the property must be let out at all times, however the client had decided to put the property on the market meaning that the current tenant moved out.
Upon the tenant leaving, Investec then required the mortgage to be repaid. The client needed access to a large sum of money in a very short amount of time to repay the debt.
This is when bridging finance in its purest form is very impactful. Our team were able to secure a straightforward bridge against the property to redeem the Investec mortgage whilst the property was on the market. Whilst bridging finance is a specialist product and is ideal for complex cases, one key factor is the speed and accessibility of the finance, the team were able to secure urgently needed funds in 19 days from application to completion.
West One have a wealth of experience with all types of bridging case requirements, whilst this was not the most complex, it was a large amount in a short time, so pressure was on to meet the deadline. Using an experienced lender ensured a smooth transaction for the client.
The client was able to repay their investment mortgage on time and no further charges were incurred.